Sunday, March 19, 2017

Get Out Movie Review

Preface: I am a middle-aged male of mixed ethnicity, but I look white. There are a lot of things I
take for granted, and situations I can put myself in with little to no thought or concern. Having
spent a significant amount of time growing up with my Mexican cousins, i have experienced mild
reverse racism, but nothing that has made me feel ill at-ease or concerned for my well-being. I
had a hard time relating to the fish-out-of-water scenes of this film. I am not a racist, in that i
dislike everyone equally. I get that different colors and cultures impart different cultural
experiences and touchstones, but i can only write from my experience. Having said that, let's
get started.
Get Out starts with a black man in the suburbs, just walking down the street at night, talking on
the phone. The first clue that he feels out of place comes when a white Porsche starts cruising
him. He about-faces, relating his unease via his phone conversation. The unnamed protagonist
eventually turns to a confrontational demeanor when the Porsche, which i can only assume is a
metaphor for wealthy white privilege, reverses course and stops next to him. He takes his eyes
off the vehicle for a moment, and when he turns around and starts selling wolf tickets, he sees
that the car is empty, and the driver's side door is open. There's a 1920's song called 'Run
Rabbit Run' playing on the vehicle's sound system. He's then blindsided by someone in a gimp
mask, knocked out and loaded in the Porsche.
We then smash cut to the main character, who was also in the Black Mirror episode about the
Britain's Got Talent show, named Chris Washington. He's a photographer who exclusively works
in the black-and-white medium (the symbolism here seems hacky and heavy-handed to me, but
we'll go with it). He's currently packing for a trip with his girlfriend, one of the non-descript white
girls from HBO's Girls (one of the ones not Lena Dunham), here named Rose. Evidently they're
going upstate to spend the weekend with her folks, who don't know she's dating a black man
(the central conflict reveals itself!). He's apprehensive about springing that kind of information
on her parents, but she seems unconcerned about it. She goes out of her way to state that
"He's the kind of guy who will be sure to make it clear that 'he would've voted for Obama a third
time, if he could've,'" which just feels like the most pandering shit ever, but we'll see.
Chris doesn't have a driver's license, so Rose drives them up there. While going down the road,
Chris is talking on the phone (on a WINDOWS phone nonetheless (does anyone actually use
those?)) with his best friend Rod, a TSA agent. I feel like this will become relevant at a later
point in the film.
Later, Rose hits a deer with her car, flinging it off the road and in to the woods an unreasonably
short distance. There's also remarkably little damage to her car. They somehow manage to stop
at exactly where the deer landed. If any of you have ever hit a deer, you know this entire
confluence of events effects is nonsense. Either the deer would've kept going, landed much
further away or gone through the windshield. The vehicle would've been more damaged, and
there's not a chance in hell that she could've come to a stop exactly even with the deer. Daniel
is extremely affected by watching the deer wheeze its last gasps, becoming visibly upset.
A cop is called out, and he takes an incident report before asking for Chris' ID. He states that he
wasn't driving, and Rose emphatically white knights her way into the situation. She doesn't think
that the cop needs to see his ID since he wasn't driving. The cop states that he doesn't care if

he was driving or not, he wants to see his ID. Rose stands her ground, and the cop relents and
sends them on her way.
Eventually, they make it to Rose's parents' place, a secluded estate on a lake. Rose's mom is
played by Catherine Keener, otherwise known as Steve Carrell's girlfriend in The 40-Year-Old
Virgin. Her dad is played by the White House Chief of Staff from The West Wing, Bradley
Whitworth, who goes out of his way to be uncomfortably patronizing. Yes, he gets in the line
about voting for Obama a third time. He also refers to Rose and Chris' relationship as "this
Catherine is a psychiatrist by trade, and Bradley is a neurosurgeon, which explains the nice
estate. This definitely feels like old money. They give Chris shit about being a smoker, and
smoking around their daughter. Catherine offers to hypnotize the nicotine, to which Chris politely
declines. It is then revealed that this weekend is the family's Rich White People Party. It's the
same weekend every year, but Rose has somehow forgotten that this is the weekend in
As Chris settles in, he notices that Rose's family have a black groundskeeper and a black
housekeeper. Bradley apologetically points out how 'cliche' it is, but then quickly moves on. Boy
does that feel racist as fuck. Later, Chris is talking to the housekeeper, and she freezes up midconversation, gets a nosebleed, and then continues the conversation as if nothing happened.
At dinner, Rose's brother shows up. He's played by Banshee from X-Men First Class, and
apparently is attending medical school in an effort to follow in his father's footsteps. However,
Banshee can't hold his liquor, and drunkenly boasts about his MMA, judo and jujitsu prowess to
Chris before insisting they have a go at each other at the dinner table. Chris politely declines,
infuriating Banshee, who makes a thing of it before angrily stalking away.
As they prepare for bed, it sure does look like Chris and Rose will be sleeping in the same bed,
which is a ballsy move in your parents' home, especially since they've only just been introduced
to their daughter's girlfriend that day. We then smash cut to both of them naked in bed, so I
guess they fucked, which is even ballsier, both literally and figuratively.
Chris goes out for a post-sex smoke, and is surprised as shit to see Walter, the groundskeeper,
blindly running laps around the property. He gives up on the smoke and heads back inside,
where he runs in to Catherine Keener. She hypnotizes him with a teacup and a literal silver
spoon, and gets him to relive the day his mother died.This is a weird story, so buckle the fuck
When Chris was a lad of ten, his mother went out to to the store to run a quick errand. Whilst
out, she was struck by a hit-and-run driver, and left for dead. Chris recognized that it was taking
an awfully long time for his mother to return home, but elected to sit and watch tv instead of
calling 911, because I guess he somehow knew his mother was in need of an ambulance? This
doesn't make any sense to me that someone is going to carry this much guilt over their inaction
in this situation. There's no logical reason for him to have assumed that his mother was the
victim of a hit-and-run.

Anyway, because he's hypnotized, Catherine forces Chris to focus on his feeling of
helplessness in this situation, and tells him to sink in to the floor. His psyche sinks in to the floor,
and in to a void of consciousness and paralysis Catherine calls 'The Sunken Place."
Smash cut to Chris waking up in bed. Apparently it was all a dream? Chris checks his phone to
find it dead, and unplugged from his charger, which is odd. Anyway, Chris goes about his day,
but when he thinks about smoking a cigarette, he wants to vomit, so I guess it wasn't a dream?
While wandering around, he runs in to Walter, who's chopping wood. He tries to have a
conversation with ol' Walt, only to be greeted with the most old-white-man sounding vernacular
uttered since Calvin Coolidge was President. Walt is also weirdly complimentary of Rose.
We're then in for the main event, the Rich White People Party. Chris is shown around the party
like a prop, where we learn that Bradley LOVES Tiger Woods (again, in a weirdly
condescending way). We also learn that all of the friends and family gathered think that black
people are just all the rage and so IN FASHION, dahling.
Eventually, Chris politely backs out of the conversation, and spots another black man at the
party. Relieved to no longer be a Token, he walks up to introduce himself. The other man turns
around, revealing him to be the guy that was abducted by the gimp in the opening scene, and
boy is he talking like an uptight old white man for some reason. He introduces himself as Logan
King, and also introduces his wife, an elderly white woman. When Chris goes in for the fist
bump, he ends up with a stick shift, and Logan goes for a handshake and really sticks to his
guns on it. Logan confusedly stumbles his way through the conversation, talking like an old
white man the whole time, until his wife pulls him away.
Confused, and rightly so, Chris disengages from the conversation and wanders off on his own.
He comes to a gazebo with chairs around it, and an old white man who ends up being Milton
from Office Space. Milton, in this film, is a blind art dealer who owns a gallery Chris adores. It
turns out that Milton knows who Chris is, and says he thinks he's a good photographer, judging
by how people describe his photos to him.
Chris walks around some more and pulls Rose in to the house, through a mass of people and
upstairs to their room. As they ascend the stairs, the entire mass of people downstairs comes to
a screeching halt, as if they were merely pantomiming the entire party for Chris' benefit.
Chris fights with Rose, relating his unease and discomfort with the whole situation. Rose
defensively asks him to lighten up, but agrees to shorten their trip and leave in the morning.
After Rose leaves the room, Chris picks up his Windows phone (I cannot stress this enough. A
goddamn Windows phone. I've only ever met one person ever that used a Windows phone, and
he fucking hated it and got rid if it as soon as he could) to see that it is yet again unplugged, but
was able to charge a bit. With the limited battery he calls Rod and relates his odd experiences,
especially with the black people he's met. Rod is convinced he's stumbled into a sex cult and
should get out ASAP.
Chris goes back downstairs with his phone in-hand, and tries to surreptitiously take a picture of
Logan, the other black guy. Unfortunately, he has the flash on, on his goddamn Windows phone.
Logan freezes and then his nose starts bleeding. He proceeds to scream "GET OUT" (hey that
could be a catchy title for a movie) at Chris, until being subdued by white people and carried
away. Cathrine Keener performs some emergency hypnosis to calm him, and then Logan

refreshedly tells Chris that he's fine and apologizes for any inconvenience he may have caused.
He further says that he must have had a seizure, and tells Chris not to worry about it. Chris has
known someone that suffered from seizures in the past, and openly doubts the story he's fed.
Rose takes Chris by the hand and they go down to the lake for some privacy to discuss their
relationship. Chris is extremely uncomfortable, and wants to leave immediately. They declare
their love for each other, and agree to leave once packed.
While they're love-birding out, the white people are holding an auction, presided over by
Bradley, complete with rich people paddle boards that signify a bid. The shot pulls out to show
us that they're bidding on Chris. They're holding an auction for a black man. Milton, the blind art
dealer wins. What the actual fuck?
As they're packing up, Chris calls Rod to tell him that he's coming back, and Rod informs him
that the picture of the other black guy Chris sent is a picture of a guy name Dre, who knows a
guy that Rod knows. Rod tells him that Dre went missing a few months ago, and is further
convinced that Chris has stumbled in to a weird sex cult that values black men. Chris's phone
dies at this particular moment, freaking Rod out. Evidently this entire movie is an extended
commercial for the poor battery life of Windows phones.
As Chris finishes packing, he notices an attic crawlspace that has never been shown to this
point in the film, inexplicably left open. He snoops in it, and finds a stack of 5"x7" romantic
photos of Rose with various men, all black. This contradicts her earlier claim to Chris that he
was her first black man (I bet she tells all the boys that). There are also romantic pictures of her
with Walter the Groundskeeper and Georgina the Housekeeper. This upsets him even more,
and he tries to hustle Rose out of the house at breakneck speed.
As he bounds down the stairs, with Rose in tow, Banshee moves to block his way with a cricket
bat (because that's what rich white people have on hand). As Chris shouts for Rose to give him
the keys to the car, Banshee takes a few swings at him. Chris easily knocks the cricket bat from
his hands and disarms him. Finally Rose finds the keys, but then tells Chris she can't let him
leave, revealing herself to be in on it. The bitch was a honeypot! As Chris tries to fight his way
out, Catherine hypnotizes him with that damn teacup and spoon.
Chris wakes up lashed to an easy chair in the weirdest White People Rec Room ever. The walls
are wood paneling from the 70's, with a CRT TV from the 80's as the centerpiece of the room.
There's also a football table and a billiards table, and the jankiest buck shoulder mount ever,
which also has a camera mounted in the eye. The TV starts playing an expository video,
narrated by Rose's grandfather. He was also a neurosurgeon, and he pioneered a technique to
transfer human consciousness from one brain to another, via surgery coupled with hypnotic
therapy. Speaking of hypnotic therapy, Chris is put under again with a video of that fucking
teacup and spoon.
Meanwhile, Rod is freaked out, and can't get ahold of Chris. He goes to the police, laying out his
theory about the sex cult. He is promptly laughed out of the police station, despite his TSA

Rod leaves and calls Chris' phone again, only for Rose to answer. She tries to dissuade him
from pressing the issue, and to just forget about Chris. When that doesn't work, she accuses
Rod of wanting to fuck her, and he panics and hangs up.
Chris reawakens in the basement to Milton talking to him over an intercom. He explains that he
bought Chris's body, because he likes his photographer's eye, and want's to be able to have
that himself, what with him being blind and old and all. He also explains that he was targeted
because 'black people are fashionable right now.' He explains the process Chris is about to
become a victim of. Phase 1 is the sedation, and Phase 2 is the mental preparation, both
accomplished through hypnosis sessions. Basically, Milton will control Chris' body, and Chris'
consciousness will be stuck in "The Sunken Place" he was in earlier forever. At this point, Chris
is literally scratching holes in the chairs armrests, exposing the cotton stuffing within, before he's
teacupped under again.
This seems shortsighted on several levels. First off, what with the Rich White Men social circles
you almost certainly run in Mr. Milton, racism is still rampant as fuck. I seriously doubt you'll be
able to be a member of the same country clubs you're a member of now, regardless of money.
Second, how are you going to efficiently and discreetly transfer you assets to Chris? Thirdly, in
this age of omnipresent social media, especially for a young man like Chris, how are you going
to explain the sudden disappearance?
Milton is being prepped in an operating theater that is also somewhere in this house's
basement, begging the question as to the size of this fucking house. Seriously, these are NOT
small rooms. The rest of the house has not really given hint to the size of the house being this
goddamn big. Chris wakes up in the other room as Banshee brings a wheelchair in to transfer
Chris to the operating theater. Banshee plays the video of the teacup, and Chris appears to go
under. As Banshee turns his back on Chris, Chris breaks loose and bashes Banshee in the
head with either a croquet ball or billiard ball (I didn't get a good look). He then reveals that he
had stuffed his ears with the cotton from the chair armrests, which evidently let him avoid the
Chris makes his way down the hall, wielding the buck mount. He spies Bradley coming out of
the operating theater, and rushes him with the buck's rack in front of him, impaling and killing
the shit out of him.
Chris goes upstairs and surprises Catherine. She dives for the teacup, but Chris beats her to it
and shatters it. She then dives for a pair of scissors, but it doesn't work out for her, and Chris
kills her.
As Chris makes his way out of the house, Banshee apparently wasn't dead because he tackles
Chris and puts him in a headlock. Really showing off that fancy fighting shit you were talking
about earlier dude. Chris breaks free, knocks Banshee down and curb stomps his head. He's
probably dead now, right? Right. If not, he will be soon, as Chris set the house on fire in the
Chris finds the keys to the white Porsche in Banshee's pocket, apparently making him the
abductor from the opening scene of the film. He gets in to leave and finds the gimp mask,
solidifying this inference. As he pulls out, he runs over Georgina. Apparently that hypnosis didn't

do shit to ease his guilt over his mom's death, because he loads her up out of some fucked up
sense of duty.
As he's escaping, Rose is shown with her headphones in, Bing-ing "2017 NCAA Basketball Top
Prospects." Racist as fuck. Also, who actually uses Bing? This is nonsense. She finally smells
the smoke from the fire downstairs, runs downstairs to find her dead mom and brother, and
grabs a lever action rifle. She makes her way outside as Chris is pulling away, sees Georgina in
the car with him, and mutters, "Grandma." So apparently Georgina is her dead grandma, stuffed
in a black woman's body.
Georgina, of course, suddenly comes down as Chris is a quarter mile down the road, and she
attacks Chris, screaming that he ruined her house. Chris crashes the car to stop her, which is a
bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it works out for him.
Rose drives up to the scene of the crash with Walter in tow, and the rifle at the ready. She find
"Grandma" Georgina dead in the crash, and Chris beat to shit. Chris drags himself out of the
car, and tries to escape. Rose shouts, "Get him, Grandpa!" at Walter, revealing that bit of trivia.
As Walter stalks a fallen Chris who is trying to crawl away, Chris takes his phone out of his
pocket. When the hell did he get his phone back? Anyway, as Rose is monologuing, Chris uses
the flash on his phone to snap Walter out of his White grandpa mode, and back in to his right
mind, Somehow, Rose misses the flash, and hands Walter the rifle when he says he wants to
kill Chris himself.
But then Shyamalan! Walter gut-shoots Rose, and then domes himself. Chris crawls over to
Rose and tries to choke her to death as she pleads for her life. Just then, a cop car pull up.
Chris lets go of Rose's neck and backs off, as she cries for help, like she's the fucking victim.
But NOPE! It's ROD TO THE RESCUE! He tells Chris to get in the car, and they leave Rose to
bleed out.
As they drive away, Chris asks Rod how he found him. Rod replies, "I'm TSmotherfuckingA."
Overall, I enjoyed the film, and would recommend it to horror fan aficionados.
Four silver spoons out of five.


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